Saturday 10 May 2008

Are You an Ugg Boots Fashionista?

How tough it is to find a pair of footwear that warms as well as charms your feet! Well, am a crazy fashionista and I love shopping shoes the most (oops! not shoes alone but all fashion accessories). I thought... I do can help out my fellow fashionistas in finding out the warming and charming footwear. Have you ever heard of Ugg boots?(Hopefully yes as it is the latest trend now)
Ugg boots are nothing and nothing but the Australian Sheepskin boots. Well, Ugg boots alias Australian sheepskin boots are the boots made of double-faced sheepskin with the interior as wool and the exterior as fleece to maintain its thermostatic nature. These boots are ideal to be worn in all seasons, so I call them as all season boots.
Uggs are ideal to be worn during summer as well as winter. Wanna know how? The interior wool of these sheepskin boots acts as an insulating layer to trap the body heat and keep your feet warm and comfy even in bitter cold. Whereas the natural fibers of fleece wicks away the moisture from your feet and keeps them cool and convenient inside the boots. You can even pair these boots in rainy season if you want, but are restricted to home alone as they can't be paired outside on the wet and muddy surfaces. It's going too technical. Isn't it? We fashionistas never consider such things but few consider it. Anyhow let's skip the topic and switch over to what to wear with Ugg boots.
Let your imaginations go wild with these funky and chunky Ugg boots. You can see some crazy people wearing these boots from office to the dance floor and even to the beach. Sounds nuts! It's true! Why not you make a fashion statement with a chic pair of Ugg boots to unleash your hidden beauty? All you have to do is to pair these boots with the perfect and matching outfits.
How it will be to pair these boots with skin tight jeans tucked in them? Wow... I will look great (even you too)! Even you can wear short skirts with cowboy style Ugg boots to steal the show in the crowd. These boots are not limited for particular dress type; it goes well with all your attires. These boots are found in wide variety in varied styles ranging from casual to the funky long cowboy Ugg boots for men, women and even kids too.
Many celebrities have been awe-inspired with the retro looks of these boots. Oprah, Paris Hilton, Pamela Anderson, Kate Hudson and many others come under the fave list of these boots. Now you know where great style stems from. It is us who make styles and trends. So, unleash your inner diva to embrace the wonders of being beautiful with a glamorous pair of Ugg boots.
Clara Havisham likes shopping online the high-in-fashion accessories. She pens all about style, fashion and latest trends in shoes for Shoecapital. Read more about Ugg Boots at
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