Wednesday 11 June 2008

Ankle Boots Versus Knee-High Boots -- Which Are Best For You?

Every woman ought to have at least one pair of boots. The question is, what style of boots do you want? Well, first we are going to divide boots into two categories: ankle boots and knee-high boots. Yes, there are indeed thigh-high boots, and they can be very fun, but they are not quite as versatile as your basic knee-high or ankle-high boots.
Ankle Boots
Ankle boots tend to weave their way in and out of fashion trends, year after year. So, while ankle boots are hot right now, you might remember that they were also hot in the 1980’s, and they may not be so hot again for another few decades. Nonetheless, ankle boots are still great boots, and they look great with many different outfits.
Of course, since I brought up the 1980’s, I must also point out that the way a pair of ankle boots ought to be worn has changed since then. In the 1980s, it was all the rage to pair up a pair of ankle boots with a short skirt or with brightly colored socks. Today, neither of these are good looks. Keep your socks hidden well beneath the top of your ankle boots, and save your short skirts for other taller boots or shorter shoes.
Let me repeat: do not wear your ankle boots with short skirts! You can, however, pair them up with a nice and long skirt. Ankle boots also look great with boot-cut jeans or skinny-leg dress pants. Basically, when you wear your ankle boots, you want to wear them with pants that are going to make your legs look their best, and these will be pants that are fitted around the calf and ankle.
As far as what style of ankle boots you should get – suede, stiletto, purple, fringed, buckled, etc. – that is completely up to you. Have fun with your ankle boots. Go crazy!
Knee-High Boots
So, you just learned not to wear your ankle boots with a short skirt, right? Well, let me tell you that you can wear your knee-high boots with a short skirt – just do not try to wear them with a short and tight mini-skirt, unless you are trying to look like a street-roamer.
Rather, choose an A-line mini skirt that does not hit higher than mid-thigh. This is still a sexy look, but it is much more sophisticated than the aforementioned look. You could also choose a fitted skirt with an above-the-knee hemline. You want to be sure that there is a gap between the top of the boots and the hem of your skirt.
A mid-calf skirt also looks great with a pair of knee-high boots. Just avoid a fitted skirt – something with an A-line cut is going to be much more flattering.
When you buy a pair of knee-high boots, it is important to find a pair that fits your calf well (unless you are looking for cowboy boots). If you have very skinny calves, it may be difficult to find a well-fitting boot. In this case, you may decide to buy boots that stretch. These are more likely to cling to your calves.
Regardless of whether or not you buy yourself a pair of knee-high boots or ankle boots, buy yourself a pair of boots! There are so many style options that you are missing out on if you do not own at least one pair of boots. And once you do get a pair of boots, feel free to experiment. You may find that it is even OK for you to break some of the aforementioned boot “rules.” Go with whatever suits your style and your figure the best.
Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and home decor. Her background includes teaching and gardening. For more of her articles on boots and fashion please visit Women's Boots.
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